New Venture Competition

New Venture Competition

Since its inception in 1999, Technology Management's New Venture Competition (NVC) has continued to grow in popularity and quality and become an important and transformational educational experience at UC Santa Barbara. NVC is unique relative to many university business competitions in that it is open to students of all majors and levels at UCSB, and it encourages participants to complete a rigorous eight-month program to develop, refine, and validate their businesses. The entire process involves a variety of workshops, and seminars led by an outstanding and committed group of faculty and industry mentors.

2024 New Venture Program Spring Events-

Click the links below to RSVP today! 

Thursday, May 23rd- New Venture Finals


Denovo Logo
We have developed an AI workflow for discovering new drugs for pharmaceutical companies. Our services significantly reduce the amount of time and cost for our customers to get drug candidates into preclinical trials.
Empro logo
Empro is the new exciting alternative to expensive, hefty e-bikes. We offer high quality, stylish front wheel conversion that transforms any mechanical bike into an electric bike at a fraction of the cost.
methane logo
MethaneMapper leverages cutting-edge AI and satellite  imagery to deliver precise methane detection solutions for the oil and gas industry. Our company provides actionable insights that enable companies to effectively monitor and mitigate methane emissions, in order to comply with regulatory requirements and achieve their sustainability goals. 
Microfuel logo
MicroFuel Industries offers valuable commodity chemicals derived from plant waste material. Organic residues are turned into high-quality bioproducts without the use of harmful and toxic pretreatments. Out process provides an efficient and eco-friendly alternative to support the production of plastics, detergents, and fuels that are typically made from petroleum.
SciRX logo
SciRx leverages cutting-edge AI technology to restructure the data within scientific literature. We aim to transform the way that biomedical researchers interact with the literature, paving the way for a future where knowledge flows seamlessly, new insights are readily unlocked, and discoveries are accelerated in fields like cancer research and vaccine development.
Sconico logo
Sonico's technology is a cutting-edge treatment for Parkinson's disease that uses ultrasound to non-invasively stimulate deep-brain tissue. This provides a safe and effective alternative to the current standard of care for medication-resistant patients (20% of the 1.2 million in the US), which is an invasive open-brain surgery. 


Recorded on Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 3 p.m., Corwin Pavilion

Program Updates

To stay current on information and fall events, join the New Venture Competition project site by first logging into Canvas (using your UCSBNetID) and searching for the 2023-24 New Venture Program & Competition.

Thursday, Oct. 12, 5:30pm: Information Session One*- ESB 1001 (students only)
Wednesday, Oct. 18, 5:30pm: Information Session Two*- ESB 1001 (students only)
Tuesday, Oct. 24, 12:00pm: Information Session Three*- ESB 1001 (students only)
Monday, Oct. 30, 6:00pm: Mixer One- ESB 1001 (students only)
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6:00pm: Mixer Two- ESB 1001 (students only)
Monday, Nov. 20, 6:00pm: Market Validation Workshop- ESB 1001 (students only)
Tuesday, Nov. 28, 6:00pm: Elevator Pitch Night- Corwin Pavilion 
*students need only attend one information session

Recorded on Thursday, May 19, 2022 at 3 p.m., Corwin Pavilion

Miss or want to replay the 2021 New Venture Competition? You can stream the video on demand. Click on video chapters to jump to the portion you wish to view. 

Chapter 1: Introduction from New Venture Program Director, Dave Adornetto; Chapter 2: Team Solaris; Chapter 3: Team Aquipur; Chapter 4: Team Eel Armor; Chapter 6: Team Ultim; Chapter 7: Team Scopen; Chapter 8: Team Tesserol; Chapter 10: "Best of" High School; Chapter 11: Awards  

faculty offering feedback on student business pitch

Through hands-on instruction and industry mentorship, students learn to create and launch a startup business and compete in the annual New Venture Competition (NVC), UCSB’s flagship entrepreneurial experience. Working in multi-disciplinary teams under the guidance of faculty and mentors, students learn about and practice business model development, customer discovery, market validation, go-to-market strategies, as well as how to develop and deliver an investor pitch. Students also gain an understanding of new venture financing alternatives, legal and intellectual property matters, and methods for effective financial forecasting.

student presenting business idea before judges and audience